Steps to Freedom
Steps to Freedom
Stages of the Spiritual Path
with Susan Browne & Anne Sheehan
Friday 5 September, 7.30pm to Sunday 7 September, 1pm
You may have attended a meditation course or retreat –Read more–
Stages of the Spiritual Path
with Susan Browne & Anne Sheehan
Friday 5 September, 7.30pm to Sunday 7 September, 1pm
You may have attended a meditation course or retreat –Read more–
Transforming Communication at all Levels
with Rosamund Oliver and John Douglas
Wednesday 1 October, 8pm to Sunday 5 October, 1:30pm
Deep –Read more–
Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga and Meditation – Suitable for Beginners
with Matt Padwick
Tuesday 7 October, 11am to Thursday 9 October, 1pm
In this retreat –Read more–
Bank Holiday Weekend of Teachings
Friday 24 October, 7.30pm to Monday 27 October, 1pm
Join us for this immersive weekend retreat with Buddhist teacher Verena Pfeiffer.
Verena is known for –Read more–
with Bernie Jeffery, Alvina Cassidy & John Douglas
Friday November 7, 7.30pm to Sunday November 9, 1pm
Grief is a natural response to the ongoing loss we –Read more–
How to open our hearts and change our world, one breath at a time
Weekend Retreat with Kirsten DeLeo
Friday 14 November, 7pm to Sunday 16 –Read more–
with Olivier Riche, Andrew Warr, Veronica Nicholson and Anne Sheehan
Friday 21 November, 11am to Thursday 27 November, 1pm
This retreat is specifically designed for those with some –Read more–
Learn How to Meditate and Bring its Benefit into Daily Life
Weekend Retreat with Andrew Warr
Friday 28 November, 7.30pm to Sunday 30 November, 1pm