Chagdud Khadro

A Weekend of Teaching
Friday 11 April 7.30pm to Sunday 13 April 1pm

We are delighted to welcome Chagdud Khadro back to Dzogchen Beara for a weekend of teachings in the new temple from 11-13 April.

More details on the teaching topic to follow early in 2025 but the weekend will include sharing teachings from the Buddhist tradition with opportunities for discussions, questions and meditation practice.

We really hope that you will be able to join us on this very special occasion.


We are offering this retreat on the basis of Dāna (Generosity) as it’s our heartfelt wish that as many as possible can attend and we are aware of the difficult times we are all living through.

Dzogchen Beara is a not-for-profit charity and all of our income goes directly to supporting the Dharma and all who benefit from the Centre. There is a reduced retreat fee of €108 (€80 concession) but you are invited to make a financial contribution according to your means towards the remaining costs of the retreat. The standard fee for a long weekend retreat like this is €310. When you book, please consider giving as generously as you can. You can do this by donating online in the donation field provided when you complete your reservation.


The retreat will be held in our new Temple, which is a modern example of a traditional Tibetan monastery designed to be an inspiring symbol of the Buddha’s teachings for our times.


Delicious two course vegetarian lunches, with soup and bread in the evenings. Cooked with love at Dzogchen Beara, using homegrown and organic ingredients whenever possible.

Book online now

Fee €108
Concession €80

Dzogchen Beara has a policy of not turning anyone away for financial reasons.
Please email to to discuss flexible payment options or request assistance from our retreat fund.

Limited accommodation is available on-site and can be viewed and booked as you register. Early booking advised!
A list of hostels, B&B’s self-catering accommodation and hotels in the local area is available here.

Vegetarian lunches and light evening meals are provided. The cost is included in your fee.

Online booking here
Enquiries by email or + 353 (0) 27 73032

Read our visitor information here.

Chagdud Khadro
Chagdud Khadro
Chagdud Khadro was born in 1946 in Houston, Texas. In 1977 she left a career as a writer and researcher in New York City and traveled to Afghanistan, India, and Nepal, where she met and eventually married Chagdud Tulku Rinpoche. She was his student for almost twenty-five years until his Parinirvana in 2002, serving him in various capacities, but particularly as a writer.

Rinpoche and Khadro collaborated on his autobiography Lord of the Dance, while, under his guidance, she compiled commentaries of his teachings on ngondro, p’howa, and Red Tara. In 1996, at the time Rinpoche ordained Khadro as a lama, he also designated her as the future spiritual director of Chagdud Gonpa Brasil and Chagdud Gonpa Hispano Ámerica. A particular focus of her teachings is Amitabha P’howa. Khadro’s dynamic and clear teaching style along with her unwavering commitment to Chagdud Rinpoche’s legacy has inspired greatly students in the Americas, Europe and Australia.

At Khadro Ling, the seat of Chagdud Gonpa Brazil, she has worked with a miraculously assembled team (her words) of lamas, artists, and talented sangha members to construct a Guru Rinpoche Palace (Zangdog Palri), publish texts, accomplish projects related to education, spiritual care for the dying, and to preserve and teach Vajrayana ritual arts.