Upcoming Events

Daily Meditation

Release and relax in our Shrine Room with clifftop ocean views.
No Meditation on Bank Holidays
Daily 9am to 9:45am and Monday to Friday 2:15pm to 3pm

Our meditation classes are currently held in our Spiritual Care Centre. Please follow the signs.

Meditation: Monday to Sunday –Read more–

You Tube Guided Meditations – Online

A Selection of Dzogchen Beara Guided Meditations
Loving Kindness, Guided Meditation, Tonglen and more

On this page you’ll find a small selection of guided meditations from some of our teachers on various themes and topics from Loving Kindness meditations to guided practices on physical sensations, –Read more–

Time to Meditate – Online

Free Online Guided Meditations
Tuesday Mornings, 9.15am to 10am (Irish Time)

Join us every Tuesday morning at 9:15am for a free 45 minute guided meditation with one of our experienced meditation instructors.

Every session is suitable for all levels and there are no difficult postures or –Read more–

Loving Kindness Meditation – Online

Free Online Guided Loving Kindness Meditations
Thursday Mornings, 9.15am to 10am (Irish Time)

“The water of compassion courses through the canal of loving kindness”. -Maitreya

Join us every Thursday morning at 9:15am for a free 45 minute guided loving kindness meditation with one of our experienced –Read more–

Mountain Stream Practice

Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga and Meditation – Suitable for Beginners
with Matt Padwick
Friday 28 March, 11am to Sunday 30 March, 1pm

In this retreat we will experience how –Read more–


Spring Meditation Retreat with Kirsten DeLeo
Tuesday 1 April 11am to Thursday 3 April 1pm

Spring is a great time to make a fresh start. Meditation is a down-to-earth and practical resource. It helps us stay sane, feel more in touch with ourselves, connected with others –Read more–

Deep Listening Essentials

Weekend Retreat with John Douglas
Friday 4 April, 7:30pm to Sunday 6 April, 3:30pm

Deep Listening is one of our most popular and enduring courses and we run an annual Deep Listening Essentials over a weekend in spring plus a Deep Listening Intensive in –Read more–

Chagdud Khadro

A Weekend of Teaching on The Power of Aspiration
Friday 11 April 7.30pm to Sunday 13 April 1pm

As all phenomena are interdependent, it is considered that whatever our aspiration is we will achieve the corresponding result.

Aspiration has a central importance in Buddhist practice, –Read more–

The Path of the Heart

Easter Retreat
with Rob Van Willegen and Bridget Mallon
Friday 18 April, 7.30pm to Monday 21 April, 1pm

We are the very heart of compassion. This is something we can come to embody by training our heart and mind. For anyone wishing to –Read more–

The Peace Choir

Concert Fundraiser
Wednesday 23 April, 7pm to 8pm

This Easter Dzogchen Beara is delighted to host a very special evening of music in aid of world peace.

The –Read more–

Exploring Buddhist Wisdom in Action

Exploring Buddhist Wisdom in Action (Six Paramitas)
with Susan Browne, Rob Van Willegen and Anne Sheehan
Friday 2 May, 7:30pm to Monday 5 May, 1pm

How would it be if we were truly able to bring Buddhist wisdom into our daily lives? One –Read more–

Moving Into Meditation

5 Day Silent Meditation Retreat supported by Tibetan Yoga
with Kirsten DeLeo & Matt Padwick
Wednesday 21 May, 11am to Sunday 25 May, 1pm

This retreat is for anyone who wants to re-charge and deepen their personal meditation practice and experience how the simple movement –Read more–

Contemplative Walking

Bank Holiday Retreat with John Douglas
30 May, 7.30pm to Monday June 2, 2.30pm

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” Thich Nhat Hanh

Enjoy a Bank Holiday break experiencing mindfulness in action through meditation and relaxed walking on beautiful trails on the Beara Peninsula.

This popular –Read more–

Art and Meditation

Wisdom in Colour: Open Mind and Fearless Creativity
Mid-week Retreat with David Rycroft
Tuesday June 10, 11am to Friday June 13, 1pm

This popular workshop with David Rycroft explores how artistic activity and meditation mutually nourish each other. By alternating art and meditation, we bring –Read more–

Through the Looking Glass

Reshaping the Stories We Live By
Weekend Retreat with David Rycroft
Friday June 13, 7:30pm to Sunday June 15, 1pm

Blending the wisdom of Buddhist philosophy and inspired by Lewis Caroll’s fictional character Alice, Through the Looking Glass invites us to explore the stories –Read more–

Healing Relationships through Listening

Transforming Connections with Awareness Centred Listening
with Rosamund Oliver and John Douglas
Friday 20 June, 11am to Sunday 22 June, 1pm

This weekend is for anyone who wishes to heal relationships with partners, family members, friends and work colleagues, some of whom may no –Read more–

Loving Kindness

Setting the Heart Free
with Anne Sheehan and Andrew Warr
Friday 27 June, 7.30pm to Sunday 29 June, 1pm

An introduction to meditations which offer gentle yet powerful tools to open our hearts and minds, to connect –Read more–

Facing Loss, Healing Grief: For the Loss of a Child

with Bernie Jeffery and John Douglas
Friday July 11, 7.30pm to Sunday July 13, 1.30pm

Exclusively for parents grieving the death of a baby, child, or adult child, through any circumstances, this July we will be offering this special Facing Loss –Read more–

Contemplative Walking

Bank Holiday Weekend Retreat
with John Douglas

Friday 1 August, 7.30pm to Monday 4 August, 2.30pm

“Walk as if you are kissing the Earth with your feet.” Thich Nhat Hanh

Enjoy a Bank Holiday weekend break experiencing mindfulness in action through meditation and relaxed walking on beautiful trails on the Beara –Read more–

The Essence of Meditation

Helpful and Practical Guidance on Meditation
with Derek Corr and Mary Moriarty
Friday 8 August, 7.30pm to Sunday 10 August, 1pm

Meditation doesn’t have to be complicated or difficult. Many of us can feel we are doing something wrong if our mind –Read more–

Steps to Freedom

Stages of the Spiritual Path
with Susan Browne & Anne Sheehan

Friday 5 September, 7.30pm to Sunday 7 September, 1pm

You may have attended a meditation course or retreat and have a daily meditation practice, which is wonderful. But do you know that you can progress further and go –Read more–

Deep Listening Intensive

Transforming Communication at all Levels
with Rosamund Oliver and John Douglas
Wednesday 1 October, 8pm to Sunday 5 October, 1:30pm

Deep Listening is a complete practical training using the transformational method of Awareness Centred Deep Listening Training founded by Rosamund Oliver, –Read more–

Mountain Stream Practice

Kum Nye Tibetan Yoga and Meditation – Suitable for Beginners
with Matt Padwick
Tuesday 7 October, 11am to Thursday 9 October, 1pm

In this retreat we will experience how through movement we can discover a greater stillness – and how in that stillness we come –Read more–

Verena Pfeiffer

Bank Holiday Weekend of Teachings
Friday 24 October, 7.30pm to Monday 27 October, 1pm

Join us for this immersive weekend retreat with Buddhist teacher Verena Pfeiffer.

Verena is known for her ability to create a calm meditative atmosphere which is supportive for our contemplation. We are very happy to welcome –Read more–

  • Facing Loss Healing Grief

Facing Loss, Healing Grief

with Bernie Jeffery, Alvina Cassidy & John Douglas
Friday November 7, 7.30pm to Sunday November 9, 1pm

Grief is a natural response to the ongoing loss we experience when someone close to us dies. In this retreat, using meditation and reflections, we will explore ways to be –Read more–

The Practice of Tonglen

How to open our hearts and change our world, one breath at a time
Weekend Retreat with Kirsten DeLeo
Friday 14 November, 7pm to Sunday 16 November, 1pm

This retreat is of particular interest to those who are familiar with meditation and the practice –Read more–

  • Natural Great Peace

Natural Great Peace

with Olivier Riche, Andrew Warr, Veronica Nicholson and Anne Sheehan
Friday 21 November, 11am to Thursday 27 November, 1pm

This retreat is specifically designed for those with some experience of meditation, willing to commit to an intensive practice retreat including several days in silence.

Practising meditation in a retreat –Read more–

Finding Peace

Learn How to Meditate and Bring its Benefit into Daily Life
Weekend Retreat with Andrew Warr
Friday 28 November, 7.30pm to Sunday 30 November, 1pm

A complete introduction to meditation and bringing the benefit of our practice into daily life. Suitable for beginners and for those –Read more–

Loving Kindness Week

Discovering the True Nature of Love
with Andrew Warr, Anne Sheehan and Derek Corr
Saturday 21 February, 7pm to Saturday 28 February, 1pm 2026

When our hearts and minds are filled with love we naturally experience happiness and well-being, yet many of us feel a –Read more–