Good in the Beginning

Our Annual New Year Retreat
with John Douglas, Kirsten DeLeo, Jeff DeLeo and Mary Moriarty
Saturday December 28, 11am to Wednesday January 1, 1pm

Traditionally the New Year is a time for making a fresh start and reflecting on the direction we would like our life to take.
This retreat is an ideal opportunity to reflect on our priorities and to begin the coming year in a way that is in tune with our deeper values and natural wish for deeper contentment and well-being in our lives.

The essence of developing a spiritual approach to life is learning to embrace any situation as an opportunity to become more aware, genuine and open-hearted. During this retreat we will focus on the practices of meditation, loving-kindness and self compassion which help us to do this.

These skilful methods show us how to work with our minds and hearts, and connect us with a wiser and more authentic way of being. In an inspiring and supportive retreat environment we can begin to familiarise ourselves with these inner qualities so that we begin to embody them and can apply them to help us to face and overcome difficulties in our daily life.

“I loved this retreat. I feel like a new person – one that I like, what an achievement!” (Cathy)

Everyone is welcome to this retreat and no prior experience of meditation is needed.


  • Guided meditation and contemplations
  • Interactive exercises
  • Time for rest, relaxation and enjoying nature
  • The retreat will include periods of silence including during tea breaks and some meal times


The retreat will be held in our new Dzogchen Beara Temple. With expansive views across the bay, the temple is a modern example of a traditional Tibetan monastery, a form of architecture designed to be an inspiring symbol of the Buddha’s teachings for our times.


Your retreat fee includes substantial vegetarian lunches and a lighter soup and bread supper in the evenings. Breakfast is self catering.


If you will be travelling from further afield, we recommend that you book accommodation for the night of Wednesday 27th December to avoid a long tiring journey early on the morning of Wednesday 28th.

Book online now

Fee €475
Concession €395

Dzogchen Beara has a policy of not turning anyone away for financial reasons.
Please email to to discuss flexible payment options or request assistance from our retreat fund.

Limited accommodation is available on-site. Book early!
A list of hostels, B&B’s self-catering accommodation and hotels in the local area can be seen here.

Vegetarian lunches and light evening meals are provided. The cost is included in your fee.

Online booking here
Read our Terms and Conditions
Enquiries by email or + 353 (0) 27 73032

Read our visitor information here.

John Douglas
John Douglas
John Douglas first became interested in Buddhist Meditation in 1990 and moved to West Cork in 1994 to become part of the Dzogchen Beara community. As a Senior Meditation Instructor and Spiritual Care Educator, John is one of Dzogchen Beara’s main facilitators on a range of courses and workshops including Facing Loss and Healing Grief, Deep Listening, Self Compassion and Healing Relationships.

John is a Counsellor & Psychotherapist, accredited with the IACP, working in private practice in Castletownbere and with ARC Cancer Support House in Bantry, as well as being part of the care team supporting guests at the Care Centre in Dzogchen Beara.

Kirsten DeLeo
Kirsten DeLeo
Kirsten DeLeo is a meditation teacher and author of the award-winning book “Present Through The End. A Caring Companion’s Guide for Accompanying the Dying”.
Kirsten has accompanied seriously ill patients and their families for more than twenty-five years and has been immersed in Buddhist practice for over twenty years, including a three-year meditation retreat. She helped to pioneer “Authentic Presence”, one of the first training programmes in contemplative end-of-life care in the US. Kirsten lives near Dzogchen Beara where she teaches regularly and supports the guests of the Spiritual Care Centre. Kirsten is known for her clarity and warmth and shares the practices of meditation and compassion in a down-to-earth way.
To find out more about Kirsten, visit:
Jeff DeLeo
Jeff DeLeo
Jeff is a Buddhist practitioner, who has been studying and practicing meditation for 30 years. Jeff has taught in the USA and Europe for more than 25 years; for the public, for veterans, as well as providing care and guidance for those doing retreat.
Jeff’s main interest is to help those that have a sincere interest in practicing the Buddhist teachings.

Growing up in a rural part of the USA, Jeff studied Computer Science and Psychology in university, then went into industry. He worked in Massachusetts then Silicon Valley as a designer, developer and manager. He and his wife moved to Ireland in 2018.

Mary Moriarty
Mary Moriarty
Mary has been studying and practising meditation for over twenty years. She previously worked as a social worker and as a counsellor and is now retired and enjoying living in west Kerry.