Patience – Finding Strength in Adversity

Weekend Retreat with Verena Pfeiffer
Friday 11 October, 7.30pm to Sunday 13 October, 1pm

Discover the transformative power of the practice of patience during this immersive weekend retreat with Buddhist teacher Verena Pfeiffer.

Known as “zöpa” in Tibetan, patience is hailed as the ultimate antidote to anger and can help us to navigate the challenges of everyday life with peace and equanimity.

HH the Dalai Lama describes the essence of patience (zöpa) as ‘resolute forbearance in the face of adversity’. In other words, the one who practices patient forbearance is determined not to give in to negative impulses – experienced as destructive emotion in the form of hatred, anger, desire for revenge, and so on – but rather counters their sense of injury, and does not return harm for harm. Patience, then, enables us to prevent negative thoughts and emotions from taking hold of us , and safeguards our peace of mind when we’re faced with difficulties.

It is a skill that allows one to pause long enough to see a situation clearly, and then respond to it accordingly. Patience isn’t a passive tolerance of harm. Instead, patience requires a recognition of the deep interconnectedness of the world and an active engagement with it.

The teachings on patience are inspired by the classic Indian text “The Way of the Bodhisattva” (Bodhicharyavatara) composed by one of the great buddhist teachers of the past, Shantideva.

“If I have any understanding of compassion and the bodhisattva path, it all comes from studying this text (Bodhicharyavatara)”. HH Dalai Lama

What to expect

Explore how patience safeguards our peace of mind, serving as a shield against negativity in times of difficulty
Cultivate the art of patient forbearance, steering clear of destructive emotions like anger, hatred, and revenge

Explore the dimensions of patience: endurance in the face of adversity, resilience when wronged, and embracing profound truths without fear.

Verena is known for her ability to create a calm meditative atmosphere which is supportive for our contemplation and we are very happy to welcome her back to Dzogchen Beara to lead this retreat.

Who is this for?

Whether you are a beginner on the Buddhist path, or an experienced dharma practitioner, this is a special opportunity to reflect deeply on how we see ourselves and our place in the world, how we relate to everything that happens in our life and how we can bring the practice of patience into everyday experience for our own benefit and the benefit of the world.


The retreat will be held in our new Dzogchen Beara Temple. With expansive views across the bay, the temple is a modern example of a traditional Tibetan monastery, a form of architecture designed to be an inspiring symbol of the Buddha’s teachings for our times.


Vegetarian lunches and evening meals are provided as part of your fee.

Book online now

Fee €275
Concession €235

Dzogchen Beara has a policy of not turning anyone away for financial reasons.
Please email to request assistance from our retreat fund or to discuss flexible payment options.

Limited accommodation is available on-site. Book early!
A list of hostels, B&B’s self-catering accommodation and hotels in the local area is available here.

Vegetarian lunches and light evening meals are provided. The cost is included in your fee.

Online booking here

Enquiries by email or + 353 (0) 27 73032

Read more information here.

Verena Pfeiffer
Verena Pfeiffer
Verena Pfeiffer is from Germany and has been a student of Buddhism since 2005. She attended Rigpa’s 2006–2009 Three Year Retreat and has been studying at Rigpa Shedra East in Pharping, Nepal under the guidance of Khenchen Namdrol since 2007.

Verena regularly helps to lead teaching retreats in Rigpa. She has recently begun teaching at the Rigpa Shedra, using Khenpo Kunpal’s commentary on the Bodhicharyavatara. Verena lives in the Netherlands with her partner and their much-adored dog.