Prayers and Other Services

You can request prayers for yourself, those close to you, those who are sick, have died or are experiencing difficult end of life circumstances. Prayers can also be requested for your pets, or for a beneficial outcome to a situation or project. When celebrating a birthday or other special occasion, prayers for a happy healthy and long life can also be made.
Visit our Donations Page to make your prayer request using the category ‘Sponsor Spiritual Practices and Prayers’.
How prayers are carried out
Your request will be carried out during our daily group practices, according to one of the most ancient lineages of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Those who perform the practices are trained in directing prayers. Every request is read out for a number of days, or on a specific day you request. If the person you have requested prayers for has passed away, their name is read out during the daily Riwo Sangchö practice until the 49th day of their passing or for three days in a row if the person passed away more than 49 days ago according to tradition. All other Prayer Requests are read out for four weeks during the daily Tendrel Nyesel practice.
We suggest a minimum donation of €20

Send a special card from Dzogchen Beara to let a friend, colleague or loved one know that prayers are being said on their behalf.
Dzogchen Beara is home to a community of spiritual practitioners following one of the most ancient lineages of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. We observe a daily schedule of meditation and prayers, aimed at the well-being and happiness of all beings, irrespective of their religious orientation.
The motivation and aim of every Buddhist practitioner is directed towards the ultimate and lasting happiness of all beings. Your request for prayers is held in this highest of all aspirations.
You can request prayers for yourself, those close to you, those who are sick, have died or are experiencing difficult end of life circumstances. Prayers can also be requested for your pets, or for a beneficial outcome to a situation or project. When celebrating a birthday or other special occasion, prayers for a happy healthy and long life can also be made.
For more information on how prayers are carried out see here.
How prayers are carried out
Your request will be carried out during our daily group practices, according to one of the most ancient lineages of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. Those who perform the practices are trained in directing prayers. Every request is read out for a number of days, or on a specific day you request. If the person you have requested prayers for has passed away, their name is read out during the daily Riwo Sangchö practice until the 49th day of their passing or for three days in a row if the person passed away more than 49 days ago according to tradition. All other Prayer Requests are read out for four weeks during the daily Tendrel Nyesel practice.
If you wish to send a card from Dzogchen Beara to let someone know that prayers are being said on their behalf, please ensure you enter the name and postal address. Visit the donations page. Under the category ‘Prayer and Sympathy Cards’, please fill in the following information in the comments box:
Your choice of card. Fill in the number corresponding to your choice of card:
Card No.1 ‘In Sympathy’ with hands in prayer
Card No.2 ‘In Sympathy’ with bell flowers
Card No.3 Sunrise at Dzogchen Beara
Card No.4 ‘Thinking of you’ with pink flower
Your name.
Dedication/Name of person for prayers to be said (for deceased please let us know the date of passing).
Name and Address to send the card to.
We suggest a minimum donation of €20

In all the world’s great spiritual traditions, lights are offered in prayer and remembrance. Lights are offered in remembrance of those who have died, for family and friends, to mark special projects, on your behalf or in the name of a loved one or special occasion. They can also be offered as an expression of love, joy or gratitude.
Following this tradition, we offer lights in brass bowls in our Tibetan style butter lamp house. These butter lamps are prepared by the community of practitioners at Dzogchen Beara.
50 or more lamps
When requesting 50 or more lamps, you will receive a special card that will be posted to you or your loved ones, letting them know that a light offering has been made on their behalf.
108 or more lamps
In addition, when requesting 108 or more lamps a photo or video of the lights you sponsored can be emailed to you. If you would like a photo of the lights or video of the 108 or more lights please email
If you would like to offer lights in prayer or remembrance, please visit the donations page. Under the categeory ‘Offering Butter Lamps’, please fill in the following information in the comments box:
Your name.
For requests of 50 or more lamps please include the name and address where to send the card to.
€20 (21 lamps) €50 (50 lamps)
€100 (108 lamps) €1,000 (1,000 lamps)

Dzogchen Beara is home to a community of spiritual practitioners, following one of the most ancient lineages of the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. We observe a daily schedule of meditation and prayers, aimed at the well-being and happiness of all beings, irrespective of their religious orientation.
Your sponsorship enables us to support a buddhist practitioner to live at Dzogchen Beara and dedicate their time to prayer and upholding the Tibetan Buddhist tradition of practice. As is traditional, prayers of dedication for all sponsors will be included in daily practice.
It costs €1,000 a month to sponsor an individual practitioner. Any contribution you can make would be greatly appreciated, whether a once off donation or setting up a standing order to provide longer term support.
Set up a Standing Order for €20, €50, €100, €500 or €1,000
Please contact for assistance setting up a standing order.

Coming soon!