The Power of a Shared Vision

Thanks to many donors the beautifully inspiring statues of Buddha, Guru Rinpoche and Tara have arrived in the Dzogchen Beara Temple.
As with every aspect of the Temple these exquisite images are here because of the prayers and offerings and efforts of people all around the world who value the blessings that this project will bring to the world.
The central Buddha statue made in Thailand will be gilded and painted at Dzogchen Beara. The other statues were fire-gilded and painted by craftspeople in the Newari region of Nepal. The roof ornaments were begun in north India, finished by local coppersmiths and gilded by the Dzogchen Beara team.
There are so many connections being made by this Temple.
Connections across time with the people of prehistory who erected stone circles and standing stones in this area, as well as with Christian mystics 1,000 years ago who spent years in meditation on the Skellig islands, off shore from here at the edge of the then-known world.
Connections between artisans in Asian villages that have served temples for hundreds of years and our team in West Cork building Ireland’s first Tibetan Buddhist Temple.
Connections between people of all faiths and none who share a vision for how this Temple can make a powerful contribution to bringing greater compassion and wisdom in a world in desperate need of both.
We need €550,000. Each donation makes a new connection and a difference.
Can you help to open the Dzogchen Beara Temple in 2024?
Every donor’s personal connection with the Temple is honoured by the inclusion of their name on a scroll which will be enshrined in the Temple when it is complete.
If you would like to make a donation to the Temple you can do so in your name, the name of a loved one, or of somebody who has passed away.See here for details on making a bank transfer or to set up a standing order.